Saturday 12 December 2020

Heavy gear takes the fun out of shooting.

Of course the gear is part of it, and without it we couldn't accomplish executing the vision in our head, but does the weight/bulk of certain gear ever take the fun out of shooting for you?I'm a big guy and likely shouldn't be bothered by such things as much as I am, but I've had full-day shoots where having to move a heavy light stand with a heavy monolight + big modifier attached (and sandbags) left me feeling like I was just moments away from breaking down into tears. Because I don't have my own studio it's especially annoying, especially when I used to have a few studio gigs a week... having to drag my Pelican case full of lighting gear, plus extra stands, a seamless, etc. up and down stars, long hallways, over unsteady ground, through slush, etc.- that shit legit broke me down on so many occasions and really did a great job in the way of taking the fun out of things- the photos would always end up suffering as a direct consequence. So many times I'd already be exhausted by the time I set up. And then there was handholding heavy medium format cameras (or shooting LF) which was another not-so-fun experience after several hours out and about.I guess I'm just venting here... but the big, bulky, heavy, gear really does drain the fun out of it for me the older I get (I'm just 30, but feel like 60 most days lol... and not one of those chipper 60's, but a hard 60).And one last thing... travelling with my full DSLR kit... never again. Always a nice romantic, well-intentioned, idea... but the sad reality is that the 30 pound Billingham I pack only ever ends up greatly inconveniencing me (have to find spots to hide it, carry it around, etc) while the iPhone is what ultimately ends up capturing all the moments. I've been staunchly opposed to mirrorless for years now, because A) I don't like EVF's (even the slightest latency irks me, plus they just don't look natural) B) being a big guy, DSLR's have always just felt better in my hand. But recently I've strongly been considering picking up a good ff mirrorless system for travel and casual daily photography. Will still keep the dinosaur DSLR for the pro stuff (I shoot full-time), but the mirrorless might be a good compromise between iPhone and DSLR. Time I just gave in. Sorry for the long rant- I'm sure I'm not the only one? via /r/photography

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