The 907 Art Center is a documentary project which includes photographs part and video part (for this post I'll only show part of the photographs and I am open to all critiques). During this project, I am mainly concentrate on a group young people who gather at the center in my hometown. Since I had spent a period of time with them, I found my own characteristics in them which drew my attention to create this project.I believe that when we look at a portrait, what we see is what we can recognize in ourselves in another, or another in ourselves. The dreadlock, cocktail, tattoo or skateboarding, these different elements can be found easily from these young people in my series photographs. Through these images, I am trying to expose what youth is like and could be like in my own country. There have always been rumors about people with these looks all over the world.One might be more distinct than another though, and it is hard to set boundaries and give specific definition to each of them, but throughout this project I have been looking for the most plausible elements that could tell the audience who they really are as objectively as possible. Besides these obvious stuffs, I find it stressful for me to uncover their inner layers of personalities.It also might be worth mentioning that I shot all these photos with one setup light and Fuji X-T3 with a 23mm f1.4 lens on it.Lil He, BartenderKitaro, Tattoo ArtistYayo, Dreadlock Maker150, SkateboarderMiss King, Tattoo Artist via /r/photography http://bit.ly/2Vbaylz
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