Thursday, 10 August 2017

Is there an interest in learning more about the business side of being a full-time photographer?

Hey /r/photography,I know that this sub appeals equally to both hobbyists and professionals alike (especially considering there are like a lot more hobbyists than pros here - no hate), but I'm wondering if people are interested in learning more about the business side of things when it comes to those of you that want to chase your dreams and make photography your fulltime gig.I quit my day job 11 months ago and have been full time ever since. I've got a big background in marketing so I like to believe I've got a decent amount of knowledge about how to gain clients / please existing ones / legally own a business / make a living off of freelancing.ANYWAYS - I've been thinking about starting up a youtube channel dedicated to teaching you all about what goes on Sunday - Saturday as a freelance photographer and am just wondering if anyone is interested in that type of thing. I've long tried to find similar people online and have found very few. I'm having trouble determining if that's because no one has thought of it yet, or because no audience cares.To further clarify, this would be very different from most photography channels that are popular right now: there'd be no gear review, very little "here's how to be a good photographer", and much more about the entrepreneurship required. There'd be a big focus on marketing, and I'd dive deeper into things like using social media to your benefit, video content marketing, determining prices, creating a valuable and strategic website, and setting yourself apart from other local competitors.Feel free to let me know your thoughts! I'd love to hear if there's an interest in this type of thing. via /r/photography

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